lds prophecies about america

It will be such a destructive war that in comparison to the sufferings and the drivings of the people of Nauvoo, it would be only a drop in the bucket.. You know, and I know, that the Ten Commandments contain the will of our Heavenly Father, and I am grateful, not only for the civil laws but also for the laws God has given us. This belief is central to mormon doctrine(the book of mormon). But the Doctrine and Covenants, being more contemporary, predicts war globally, beginning in America. the nation was in chaos and America was already weak. Kathi Pelton And this gospel shall be preached unto every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. The LBGTQ Community seems comfortable with the Asbury Revival. Many Christians are seeing visions of a coming invasion of America. I didnt write Russia, I wrote and circled USSR. 16, A day of wrath will come upon the wicked; 712, Signs come by faith; 1319, The adulterous in heart will deny the faith and be cast into the lake of fire; 20, The faithful will receive an inheritance upon the transfigured earth; 21, A full account of the events on the Mount of Transfiguration has not yet been revealed; 2223, The obedient receive the mysteries of the kingdom; 2431, Inheritances in Zion are to be purchased; 3235, The Lord decrees wars, and the wicked slay the wicked; 3648, The Saints are to gather to Zion and provide moneys to build it up; 4954, Blessings are assured the faithful at the Second Coming, in the Resurrection, and during the Millennium; 5558, This is a day of warning; 5966, The Lords name is taken in vain by those who use it without authority. Elizabeth Vos This, from a small portion of Illuminati Mormons that want to keep the people in a thoughtless stupor until the time is far past for surviving the coming calamities. Whitney Webb, Repost of My Vision Given in 2017 - Russia and China WW3, Prophecy Update: Introduction & The Rider on The Black Horse, Fake news regarding the Ukraine war is deceiving many, The King, this King Charles, will be Usurped, Prophetic dream warns Russian bombs falling in EU member. We are praying. It told that the real danger, as I recall, came from the Red Horse, described as the Heathen Chinese. I read the White Horse Prophecy some 60 plus years ago and was intrigued by its content. And in Jackson County, Missouri civilization will become entirely extinct, and all means of transportation such as rail roads and highways will be destroyed, and the only means of travel will be on foot. Built with in Seattle and along the Wasatch Front and dedicated to He which is, and which was, and which is to come. I can find where most prophets have missed it a least once , not Dudumans words , it is happening just as Duduman was shown to the T . American Legal and Political Institutions, Christian Churches in Joseph Smiths Day, Daily Life of First-Generation Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smiths 1844 Campaign for United States President, Lectures on Theology (Lectures on Faith), Martin Harriss Consultations with Scholars, Printing and Publishing the Book of Mormon, Religious Beliefs in Joseph Smiths Day, Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, Temple Dedications and Dedicatory Prayers, Vision of the Redemption of the Dead (D&C138), Prophecies of Joseph Smith, Church History Topics. We have the Book of Revelation to warn us about the wars of the Last Days. Again I quote Ezra Taft Benson on the coming cleansing of the Mormon Church: President Benson talked very clearly about this growing division in the Church that we are experiencing. She enjoys encouraging others with what the Lord teaches her. Those that lacked the faith to prepare their families and follow the counsel to have food storage, ammunition, and some savings, will stand in long lines to receive it for a small morsel of food. I have not KYCed as, Thomas Harry needs to see-watch the tik tok link. from whats happening now it seems like we are going down the path to what your vision proclamed, And the servants of God shall go forth, saying with a loud voice: Fear God and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment is come; And worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters(D&C 133:36-39). God will punish them just as he punished Sodom and Gomorrah., How will this happen? Their cities will be left desolate. James Bailey The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. They have been the means of guaranteeing to the foreigner that has come within our gates, and to the native born, and to all the citizens of this country, the freedom and liberty that we possess. It was restored in a free country under the influence of a God-inspired Constitution which created a climate of freedom, opportunity and prosperity. Were we surprised when the last terrible war took place here in the United States? As I was hearing all the talking in the background coming from different cities in America, I had the knowing that the east coast and west coast of the United States were attacked. May the Lord, Bob I have been doing some research on NZ. They had incorporated within its sacred paragraphs eternal principles supported by the holy scriptures with which they were familiar. (Is this of God, or of man? At the time Salt Lake City was less than 20,000 strong. Joseph Smith, History, 18381856, volume D-1 [1August 18421July 1843], 1464,; punctuation standardized. He saw the persecution of the Native Americans, including whatever few remnants of his own family might remain. Despite facing potential violence or imprisonment in returning to Missouri, Brigham Young was determined to act in accordance with the prophecy. John Whitehead Many of these revelations have to do with the revealing of doctrine necessary for the reestablishment of Christs primitive church, with its power and authority to function as the Kingdom of God on earth. All The cost of the damaging effects of alcohol and tobacco upon people all over the world have been astronomical. Man of Lawlessness leading the charge against California because I could see a few connections re civil war & internal problems that Demitri Dudemen mentioned..this is all so confirming. Joanie Stahl Does anyone have a timeline on this? I saw men hunting the lives of their own sons, and brother murdering brother, women killing their own daughters, and daughters seeking the lives of their mothers. Russia had attacked first. She also has her own YouTube channel. There was a lot of commotion and confusion with perplexity. All countries animal symbols, the Leopard is the Persian leopard aka Iran nowdays. I was literally driven from the state and the attempts to destroy me have only intensified. Persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.3. 1- THE DEATH OF JOSEPH SMITH. Disturbing facts about the Ukraine war and their President, 5 Major Trends To Watch For During The Second Half Of 2022. I can't see how the consequences John Taylor saw can be avoided at this point. They are run by the world, therefore, Hello Annie Marie. It was established for the rights and protection of all flesh according to just and holy principles., Christianity in its fullness and truth has been restored to the earth by direct revelation. .\" (D&C 112:24-26.) Chris Burns Praise The Lord for his confirmations & warnings. This site has been created and maintained by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, There is room for my brown paper-doll family: 2 gospel truths I learned as a young girl that carry my faith, 1 quote on gratitude from each of the Latter-day prophets, See the stunning winners of the Churchs International Art Competition. 1. . . I read these, To my knowledge, there are no Christian companies running any of these exchanges. On December 13, 2017, I had a prophetic vision about an invasion of the USA by Russia and China and World War III. I hope that you and your family are safe. Christopher Harris Elder Bruce R. McConkie said: "The prophecies do not name the modern nations which will be fighting for and against Israel, but the designation Gog and Magog is given to the combination of nations which are seeking to overthrow and destroy the remnant of the Lord's chosen seed." (Mormon Doctrine, p. Benson). He stated that he saw that Salt Lake City would become a great city with many beautiful paved roads and streets of cement construction, and that the people had become wealthy. You can go home, the angel said, but I want to tell you what will happen. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Hi, I am not bible scholar, but God gave me the answers to Revelations as I researched China years ago only a lot of Christians fail to see the truth. Because He came to them after His death and because they knew who He was through continued prophecies, it proves the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Gordon B Hinckleys 7 Years of Feast and 7 Years of famine: In the Priesthood session of General Conference 1998 he surprised everyone when he read from the story of Joseph in Egypt, Pharaohs vision of the fat and lean cattle and its interpretation of seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine and then said, I am suggesting that the time has come to get our houses in order The economy is a fragile thing There is a portent of stormy weather ahead to which we had better give heed.I urge you, brethren, to look to the condition of your finances. if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ And thus, with the sword and by bloodshed the inhabitants of the earth shall mourn; and with famine, and plague, and earthquake, and the thunder of heaven, and the fierce and vivid lightning also, shall the inhabitants of the earth be made to feel the wrath, and indignation, and chastening hand of an Almighty God, until the consumption decreed hath made a full end of all nations (vs 1-6). Prophecies Concerning the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon Previous Next Prophet. Sorry yankee politicians your are doomed for awful crimes against humanity. Historical Introduction to Joseph Smith, Journal, 1839, Missiles were launched from Russia and then China attacked. Vol.5 of the Documents series of The Joseph Smith Papers, edited by RonaldK. Esplin, MatthewJ. Anita Alexander As the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, we all remind ourselves to focus a little more on the things that we are blessed with in our lives. Sometime after His death and resurrection, He would appear to them for several days, teaching and blessing them. The Latter-day Saints escaped the Civil War by moving west years before it started. No mercy for you. It is a great testament of Jesus' return. I knew very well myself when this last war was commencing, and could have wept and did weep, over this nation; but there is yet to come a sound of war, trouble and distress, in which brother will be arrayed against brother, father against son, son against father, a scene of desolation and destruction that will permeate our land until it will be a vexation to hear the report thereof. . America told God He wasnt needed or wanted. There are many mormon leaders that have warned about the coming destruction of the USA. I can\'t see how the consequences John Taylor saw can be avoided at this point. The Pilgrims and other Europeans were inspired to find this American haven of refuge and thus people this land with honest and God-fearing citizens. The Son of Man has said that the mother shall be against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother. The Mormon religion warns about the pursuit of wealth over spiritual development. Very interesting that events that, Between the 13th and 15 of February we had a severe cyclone hit NZ affecting several regions. Yes I have read Demitri Dudemans visions,especially the one re America .Monique is talking about in this video ..I quoted Demitri Dudeman and what he said/saw in vision in another post under comments..I read his visions on his website Hands of Help Ministries. ), I look forward to that cleansing; its need within the Church is becoming increasingly apparent. (E.T. It says the following: Verily, thus saith the Lord concerning the wars that will shortly come to pass, beginning at the rebellion of South Carolina, which will eventually terminate in the death and misery of many souls; And the time will come that war will be poured out upon all nations, beginning at this place. They will have the exact locations of the weapons factories. Some of these revelations contain prophecies and Gods wisdom for preparing for the events of the last days before Christs Second Coming. Sister Christine I have been studying prophecy & prophets since at least 1988 . Your email address will not be published. They will be wasted away, and the fullness of the wrath of Almighty God will be poured out upon them, unless they repent. Thats the word that kept playing in my mind, This is a stealth operation. Unseen, unknown, no one knew where the bombs were, but I could see they were coming from China. I believe the US govt is nothing more or less than the Evil Empire itself. Today, it marks the end of the citys boundaries) I often wonder if Margaret Sanger was behind that renaming as well as the way to kill theur unborn and deceminate their race. One that comes to mind, Since all that God is and does is perfect, the fact that He brought order from disorder indicates there was, Im sorry for your loss. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. please send me an email as I believe God gave you these visions and would like to discuss more in private about what is to come. Jeffrey A. Tucker They will stand there, but unoccupied, no people to inherit them. But first, something happened to America. Grow, and MatthewC. Godfrey (Salt Lake City: Church Historians Press, 2017),357. Revelation, 8July 1838E [D&C117], in Joseph Smith, Journal, MarchSeptember 1838, 58,; spelling standardized. See, for example, History of Joseph Smith, Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star, vol.22, no.29 (July1, 1860),455. Grant (1918- 1945) George Albert Smith (1945- 1951) David O. McKay (1951- 1970) Joseph Fielding Smith (1970- 1972) Harold B. Lee (1972- 1973) Maria Conwell These people have a temporary membership and influence in the Church; but unless they repent, they will be missing when the final membership records are recorded. Ezra Taft Benson (Prophet from 1980s) stated: Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake cannot happen here. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ye hear of wars in foreign lands; but, behold, I say unto you, they are nigh, even at your doors, and not many years hence ye shall hear of wars in your own lands. But I tell you today the end is not yet. Centre for Research on Globalization All means of manufacturing will also be entirely destroyed. Prophecies of early LDS leaders. media outlet news we have here in Aust. Skousen's first focus is on the Latter-day Saints: "This great prophecy has already been literally fulfilled in Zion and will be duplicated in its fulfillment when the Lord's . Joseph Mercola I could hear talking about nuclear war starting, and it had to do with the USA. LDS Last Days A collection of quotes from prominent leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints concerning the last days, as well as predictions from ancient and modern scripture. As prophesied in this passage, Joseph Smith actually did "fall by the shaft of death" "as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightning." Joseph Smith was shot and killed on June 27, 1844. Two groups-Lehi and his family and friends; and Mulek and his family and friends-were led out of Jerusalem in about 600 B.C. I guess I better keep my Chinese Yuans and probably should invest in Russian Rubles. There was a lot of talk in the background coming from all over the nation. . Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Many good men now and have always existed in what is now self-named black. The idea that members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will at one or more times take action to save an imperiled US Constitution has been referenced by numerous Church leaders, but as to the Rushton version of the Prophecy, the Church has stated that "the so-called 'White Horse Prophecy'. On December25, 1832, Joseph Smith received a revelation prophesying that a war between the northern and southern U.S. states would begin in South Carolina and that wars and uprisings throughout the earth would finally result in the end of all Nations at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Visit her website at Back to Your First Love. They plan to attack from such remote bases as Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and the ocean. The pivotal event in the Book of Mormon is the appearance of Jesus Christ on the American continent. Friday was Good (Sacred) Friday, the day of Christ's crucifixion. It came from new York City, the headquarters of communism to Europe, Asia, South America and now thru this nigger prez to USA too. (See 2 Ne. For instance, it speaks of a revolution that "will take place in America," leaving it "without a supreme government." Those who believe this are either not acquainted with the revelations of the Lord, or they do not believe them. Today Utah has a population of over 2 million. Why? This was an additional revelation to one Joseph received in 1831, which said, in part: Ye hear of wars in far countries, and you say that there will soon be great wars in far countries, but ye know not the hearts of men in your own land (v 29, Section 38). President Taylor said to mother, \"If you are alive at that time, be sure that you are not behind the Church records, because after the Church records leave and are made secure, the very powers of hell would be turned loose, and there will be such destruction that there will be but little life remain, ---not only in Salt Lake City, but in adjoining cities also. Words of counsel revealed over the years are cited to help the Saints maintain their spiritual and temporal stability as the judgments of the last days . With the Lord providing these miracles of communication, and with the increased efforts and devotion of our missionaries and all of us, and all others who are sent, surely the divine injunction will come to pass: For, verily, the sound must go forth from this place into all the world, and unto the uttermost parts of the earththe gospel must be preached unto every creature. Cmo saber que vas al cielo? It simply means that there are some who, for the time being at least, are members of the Church but not in harmony with it. Doctrine and Covenants 89:4, emphasis added, Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 133 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Robert F. Kennedy Jr Katherine Lehman But what about the American nation. Ive been living in a garage waiting for this crash for a while now. is not embraced as Church doctrine; Elaine Tavolacci "He will govern from two world capitals: one in old Jerusalem and the other in the New Jerusalem 'built upon the American continent,'" the Latter-day Saint leader said. thank you for posting, Wow most of my coins in Kucoin are buy and sell orders ! The book, which was condensed by the last two writers of it, simply doesnt mention others. Because in these terrible wars, they will not be privileged to manufacture, there will be too much bloodshedtoo much mobocracytoo much going forth in bands and destroying and pillaging the land to suffer people to pursue any local vocation with any degree of safety. In fact, the spirit of greed and fraud has only increased as people became more desperate to impress their friends and neighbors with their temporal possessions. The beast, the feet of the bear (Russia) the body of the leopard (iran) and the mouth of the Lion (india) has risen as Revelations speaks of also. Rev Susan OMarra Church members view senior Church leaders Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and the presidents of the Church that followed as prophets of God in the same way they view Abraham, Moses . Like Esau in the Bible, they will sell their souls for a \"Mess of Pottage\". He learned that God intended the land to be kept secret from the world for a time, to keep it from being overrun before the time came for it to be discovered. I know we, What Im hoping people will get out of this post is a willingness to see the powerful, commanding God of, Hi Katherine, there are multiple issues with the gap theory between Gen. 1:1 1:2. Angie van Greuning The Mormon religion warns about the pursuit of wealth over spiritual development. Wanda Alger They destroyed our military and all of our defenses. Washington and his fellows were inspired to revolt from England and bring political liberty to this land, along with the more valuable treasure of religious liberty so that the soil might be prepared for the seed of the truth when it should again be sown, Yes, the early leaders and the people generally of this great nation recognized the necessity for spiritual support if the nation was to endure. For behold, the Southern States shall be divided against the Northern States, and the Southern States will call on other nations, even the nation of Great Britain, as it is called, and they shall also call upon other nations, in order to defend themselves against other nations; and then war shall be poured out upon all nations. Duane S. Crowther is a well-known theologian, lecturer and LDS author with a broad background of education and experience. This prophecy refers to Joseph Smith. You are right in your visions, China is the Dragon, America is the prostitute that is burned by fire for an hour as revelations states. In other words, that He fought with Washington and others in the Revolutionary War.. That there will be two great religious centers, Zion and Jerusalem (which are two different places). Instruction, 2April 1843, as Reported by Willard Richards, Historical Introduction to Joseph Smith, Journal, 1839, History, 18381856, volume D-1 [1August 18421July 1843]. It was either a natural disaster or perhaps a false flag, but it felt very evil and it affected the whole nation. Modern apostles and prophets are a distinctive characteristic of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For example, the Latter-day Saints earliest understandings of the prophecies concerning a future Zion focused on building a city in Jackson County, Missouri. Ethan Huff It would continue to be handed down through the generations, with various religious and government leaders recording the history of the people and their religious teachings and experiences. Sacrifice has been required to protect and to preserve the very freedoms we cherish.. George Washington's credibility has come under severe attacks, especially in the past hundred years. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from bondageThis is a part of the temporal gospel in which we believe.. When someone told him they thought a prophet always speaks as a prophet, Joseph countered that a Prophet was a Prophet only when he was acting as such.11 At the same time, he did not shy away from speaking boldly when the Lord gave him revealed instructions, and he stood by his prophetic pronouncements. The Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and of the Bible. 1: 7) . At the time the revelation was received, South Carolina and the federal government of the United States were involved in a dispute, but it was peacefully resolved the next March. He saw a man whom we know today to be Christopher Columbus setting out and finding America, as did others. Thomas Harry (Many were destroyed during a great war at the end of the two civilizations.) I did my own map and circled on a piece of paper, very strong around the word USAand right next to it, I strongly circled the USSR. 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lds prophecies about america