what happened to aiyana jones

Legal name. Even in Detroit, a predominantly black city. Aiyana Mo'nay Stanley-Jones was asleep on the sofa when a police SWAT team hurled a flash-bang grenade into the apartment and smashed the front door down. There are two elementary schools in the area, both in desperate need of a lawnmower and a can of paint. Thats one less knucklehead driving around looking to do a drive-by., His approach was successful, with murder dropping more than 20 percent in his first year. Weekley, 38, was charged with involuntary manslaughter and careless discharge of a firearm causing death, a misdemeanor in the death of Aiyana. His work has appeared in Time, Life, and Newsweek. [36] Aiyana's case would be the longest presiding case that Hathaway had in more than 20 years of being on the bench. Final charges against Joseph Weekley, a police officer who shot dead a 7-year-old girl, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, in Detroit in May 2010, were dismissed on Friday, leaving a family bereft and. The flashbacks. The jury stall resulted in seven voting "not guilty" and five voting "guilty". Why you looking at me? said Owens, getting off the moped. Jones and two other men known as Lil James and Dirt rode along for JeReans ass-whipping. Detroit. Weekley's first trial ended in a mistrial in June 2013. A slender, pimply faced kid, JeRean was not an intimidating figure. I was allowed to meet with Charles Jones the following morning at Fiegers office, but with the caveat that I could only ask him questions about the evening his daughter was killed. It is the home of mass-production, of very high wages and colossal profits, of lavish spending and reckless instalment-buying, of intense work and a large and shifting labour-surplus, British historian and MP Ramsay Muir wrote in 1927. Owens didn't like the way the Southeastern High School teen had looked at him, according to court testimony. Young Municipal Center in Detroit. WHat actually happened to this little girl? So bad is the rivalry that when the schools face off to play football or basketball, spectators from the visiting team are banned. Not to worry: The city had its own welfare system, decades before Lyndon Johnsons Great Society. In Detroit, the official response time of an ambulance to a 911 call is 12 minutes. The raid took place at about 12:30 a.m. She waited, but Sharpton never came. Its now just another abandoned house in Detroit.. By wit and will, he managed to make it through. McNeal wondered how she was going to pay the $3,000 for her sons funeral. Mother Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and billionaires wouldn't fund the type of hard-hitting journalism we set out to do. Forget what you saw, little man. Weekley still is charged with careless discharge of a firearm causing death in the May 2010 shooting, which happened as police executed a search warrant for a murder suspect. Until there wasnt. A half-dozen masked officers of. She's irresponsible," said Ron Scott, referring to Hathaway's decision to dismiss the involuntary manslaughter charge before a jury at the second trial could consider it. [24] Geoffrey Fieger, the family's lawyer, said the police fired the shot that struck Aiyana from outside the home, possibly through the open front door. A small donation would help us keep this available to all. [30], Allison Howard, a videographer and photographer with A&E who was also present at the raid, was indicted on obstruction of justice and perjury for allegedly "copying, showing or giving video footage that she shot of the raid to third parties". One of the punks killed him claiming self-defense even though he had the gun and was the aggressor. As it turns out, he was filming a pilot for his own reality show, entitled The Chief. Soon, the Motor Citys population surpassed that of Boston and Baltimore, old East Coast port cities founded on maritime shipping when the world moved by boat. He won't be in the field. So there should have been a parade with confetti and tanks of lemonade, but instead, the complaints about overaggressive cops began to roll in. Families of people killed by police officers and activists gathered at the feet of the Spirit of Detroit statue in front of the Coleman A. Danny Wilcox Frazier is a contributing photographer for Mother Jones. As a reporter, Ive worked from New York to St. Louis to Los Angeles, and Detroit is the only big city I know of that doesnt put out a crime blotter tracking the days mayhem. By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use, and to receive messages from Mother Jones and our partners. The blood was congealing into a pancake on the dirty linoleum. Detroit has since made little progress on the federal consent decree. Fiegers suburban office is a shrine to Geoffrey Fieger. A small crowd of agitated black people was gathered on the sidewalk. It all happened in a matter of seconds. But the people of Lillibridge Street still look like theyve been picked up by their hair and dropped from the rooftop. This is not about policing, he said. They were looking for a murder suspect. Seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was asleep on the living room sofa in her family's apartment when Detroit police searching for a homicide suspect burst in and an officer's gun went off, fatally . Specifically, since 1997 a 1033 program has enabled the transferring of billions of dollars worth of military equipment from the Department of Defense including mine-resistant protected vehicles originally developed by the South African defence force to thousands of small American communities. It would be easy to lay the blame on McNeal for the circumstances in which she raised her sons. I get no sleep. . It's hurting me. Huff and his partner were not actually called to the scene; theyd taken it upon themselves to assist the younger cops, according to the police version of events. As Detroit led the nation in median income and homeownership, automation and foreign competition were forcing companies like Packard to shutter their doors. Were going to pull people over for traffic violations and were going to take their cars if theyre not legal. [66] On July 20, 2016 Detroit police arrested six unknown individuals for chaining themselves to a precinct of the Detroit Police Department, their protest honoring Jones. On his desk is a bronze bust of Geoffrey Fieger. The Detroit chapter of the Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100) and Black Lives Matter Detroit organized the rally on what would have been her 14th birthday. Instead of being protected, communities are treated like the enemy, the report found with a disproportionate effect on communities of color. Predictably, Gibson did not show for his new court date. As for the tape that Geoffrey Fieger claimed would show the cops firing on Aiyanas house from outside, A&E turned it over to the police. Sarah Cwiek joined Michigan Radio in October 2009. Chauncey Owens, the uncle wanted on murder charges, was said to be going in and out of the house as normal and could have been apprehended during the day. The day I visited, a Hollywood starlet (PDF) was tailing the doctor, studying for her role as the medical examiner in ABCs new Detroit-based murder drama Detroit 1-8-7. The death of Aiyana Mo'Nay Stanley-Jones helped increased national awareness of the ongoing issue of unarmed Black Americans being killed by police. Neighbor Paul Jameson, a former soldier whose wife had called in the break-in to 911, said the rookies ran toward the house and opened fire after Huff was shot. 42,200. You might point to the trade agreements of the Clinton years, which allowed American manufacturers to leave the country by the back door. Jones does not have a release date identified, although he could be freed as early as Thursday, Gautz said. The grenade landed so close to Aiyana that it burned her blanket.. [51] She was buried on the grounds. It was 2:40 in the afternoon on May 14 when JeRean went to the Motor City liquor store and ice-cream stand to get himself an orange juice to wash down his McDonalds. Mertilla Jones was held overnight by Detroit police and then released. Tens of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands. The home was the target of a midnight Swat-style operation designed to arrest her uncle who was living in the apartment upstairs and was the main suspect in the murder of a teenager a couple days before. To avoid the embarrassment of being the nations perpetual murder capital, the police department took to cooking the homicide statistics, reclassifying murders as other crimes or incidents. By the end of the following day, police had identified Chauncey Owens as a suspect in Blake's death and obtained a warrant to search 4054 Lillibridge[12] St, where Owens was believed to be hiding. Weekley will not go to a third trial. In an echo of deaths at police hands that rocked the US last year, including those of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner in New York, Officer Weekley is white and Stanley-Jones was black. He has three boys with Aiyanas mother, Dominika Stanley, and three boys with another woman, whom he had left long ago. Cole's character, it turns out, is a drug dealer. A good kid with average grades, JeRean went to Southeastern High, which is situated in an industrial belt of moldering Chrysler assembly plants. He didn't elaborate. But is she responsible for police officers with broken computers in their squad cars, firefighters with holes in their boots, ambulances that arrive late, a city that cant keep its lights on and leaves its vacant buildings to the arsonists match, a state government that allows corpses to stack up in the morgue, multinational corporations that move away and leave poisoned fields behind, judges who let violent criminals walk the streets, school stewards who steal the childrens milk money, elected officials who loot the city, automobile executives who couldnt manage a grocery store, or Wall Street grifters who destroyed the economy and left the nations children with a burden of debt? Oh, stay your ass right here, Owens growled. A fresh trial was scheduled for December 2013,[29] but actually began in September 2014. The hospital was six miles away. May 16, 2010, 7-year-old Aiyana was asleep on her couch, wrapped in her Hannah Montana blanket. 1894 shipwreck found in Lake Huron, confirming "powerful, tragic story", Garland to face Congress amid ongoing special counsel investigations, FBI chief says agency feels pandemic likely started with Chinese lab leak. Scott said a civil suit had been filed and an appeal made to US attorney general Eric Holder to pursue a case for the violation of Aiyanas civil rights. After the finale aired, we didn't know whether they're still together or not until the reunion on March 4, but a little social media sleuthing told us they were still . DETROIT - At the prosecutor's request, a judge on Friday dismissed the last charge against a Detroit police officer who fatally shot a 7-year-old girl during a raid. [38] He assigned the SWAT team the job of rounding up murder suspects, a task that had previously been done by detectives. The judge denied the motion for mistrial, saying she believed the jury could still be "impartial." It was a sweatbox, and I went across the street to the liquor store for a soda pop. 91.7 Ann Arbor/Detroit 104.1 Grand Rapids Jones was arrested, and though she was quickly released it was not before she and two other family members Aiyanas parents had been forced to sit in their childs blood for hours, Scott said. His seven-year-old daughter, Aiyana Monay Stanley-Jones (PDF), slept on the couch as her grandmother watched television. But according to a witness, he said nothing. "But I can tell you this: If anyone is looking for a scapegoat for justice, then you've got one here as owner, coach and quarterback. The city reached a peak population of 1.9 million people in the 1950s, and it was 83 percent white. His motive, authorities say, was that the teen failed to pay him the proper respect. There are some 10,000 unsolved homicides dating back to 1960. That is, until someone realized that the schools are controlled by rival gangs. Protestors pleaded for the termination of Officer Weekley as he had been selected to co-chair the Detroit Police Department's Committee on Race and Equality. Inexpensive, too! ReverendAl Sharpton gave the eulogy. Both trials ended with hung juries. Forego a bottle of soda and donate its cost to us for the information you just learned, and feel good about helping to make it available to everyone. The family of a 7-year-old girl who was fatally shot during a May 2010 police raid is suing the Detroit officer involved in the incident, Detroit News reports.. This was the first raid on a house since his death. Even the beavers have returned.The daughter of an autoworker and a home nurse, McNeal grew up in the promise of the black middle class that Detroit once offered. Me? The Rust Belt. Impoverished communities such as Detroit, which is almost 83% black and has a poverty rate of 39%, have been on the receiving end of a decades-long war on drugs, which has made the US the country with the largest number of people behind bars, ahead of China and Russia. Lyvonne Cargill wears a shirt that honors her son, JeRean Blake Nobles. Its about state-sanctioned violence., US police departments are increasingly militarised, finds report, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. When we look at accountability and an institution that was not designed for black people and that was not designed in the interest of black people, he says, how do you find justice in an already unjust system?. "(Jones is) the one who gave (Owens) the gun to kill their brother. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Now, Jones family attorney Geoffrey Fieger and the city of Detroit confirm theyve settled the case for $8.25 million. A reality TV crew recorded the scene from the street. Detroit grew restless. There are plenty of good people in Detroit, boosters like to say. Besides, there was always a job in America when you needed one. . The whole country knew it, and the whole country laughed. The Jones family contends that the shot that killed Aiyana was fired from outside the house, and that the police eventually caught the homicide suspect, Chauncey L. Owens, at a different address . Weekleys trial began in June 2013 and ended in a mistrial when a jury failed to reach a verdict. [12] Owens was in the upstairs apartment. I asked Fieger if Charles Jones should accept some culpability in his daughters death, considering his alleged role in JeReans murder, the stolen cars found in his backyard, and the fact that his daughter slept on the couch next to an unlocked door. The suspect fingered for Blakes murder, Chauncey Owens, lived in the upstairs flat, with Charles Jones sister. An investigation was promised. It just goes on, she said. The Rev. Seconds after Aiyana's blanket caught fire, the SWAT team stormed through the door, and mistakenly shot Aiyana through the neck, killing her. In a photograph from May 2010, Dominika Stanley and Charles Jones hold a picture of their daughter, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, in a Detroit courtroom. The author of "What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones" Charlie LeDuff begins with a brief overview of the surroundings in Detroit, where the homicide took place. Other auto plants sprang up on the East Side: Packard, Studebaker, Chryslers Dodge Main. "[21][22], Mertilla Jones said she reached for her granddaughter when the grenade came through the window, not for the officer's gun, because the flash grenade had set the child on fire. [41][44][45][46] Because of Mertilla Jones's outburst, the judge stopped the trial until September 29. But Geoffrey Fieger calls it police arrogance. Now Detroit has fewer than 800,000 people, is 83 percent black, and is the only American city that has surpassed a million people and dipped back below that threshold. What? he croaked. Police first floated the story that Aiyanas grandmother had grabbed Weekleys gun. Bagpipes played and the rain fell. Then eight, then eleven. The Detroit Police Department was in search of a murderer, and mistakenly raided Aiyana's home. Aiyana Stanley-Jones was sleeping in her home on the east side of Detroit on the night of May 16, 2010, when officers barged into the house. Some 45,000 abandoned houses pock Detroit. I can accept the shooting was a mistake, Jones said about his daughters death as a bleary-eyed Stanley sat motionless next to him. And during our conversation, he referred to himself in the third personGeoffrey Fieger. 3) Weekley's claims that Mertilla Jones grabbed . AS SUMMER DRAGGED on, the story of Aiyana faded from even the regional press. The president of the school board, Otis Mathis, recently admitted that he had only rudimentary writing skills shortly before being forced to resign for fondling himself during a meeting with the school superintendent. Two trials against Officer Joseph Weekley ended without verdicts on a charge of reckless use of a gun. Rayshard Brooks was a 27-year-old African American restaurant worker who lived in Atlanta. And now that the papers do cover Detroit, boosters complain about a lack of balance. He, too, was about to graduate from Southeastern High. And there are. A woman was in his car, the motor running. Two years later he was sentenced to an additional 12 months for violating . The department decided to withdraw him from active duty shortly after the shooting on May 16, 2010. ME Schmidt ruled it a homicide; the police decided it was a suicide. "She's not a scapegoat. A seven-year-old Black girl was fatally during a raid in Detroit, Michigan Police Department in 2010. My daughter got love, honor, and respect. Chaises mother, Britta McNeal, 39, sat on the porch staring blankly into the distance, smoking no-brand cigarettes. [2], After a one-year internal and federal investigation, on October 4, 2011, a grand jury indicted Weekley on involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun. Weve got nothing but bullet fragments., A neighbor who tends the lawn in front of the dope house out of respect to Huff wonders why so many cops came in the first place, given that the police hardly come around at all, much less that many cops that fast on a home break-in.. The water in the Detroit River was so bad, it was said you could bottle it and sell it as poison. The landlord of the duplex, Edward Taylor, let me into the Jones apartment. The team, which had received intelligence that at least one rifle was in the house,wasaccompanied by a crew from the cable TV show, "First 48.". [49], Aiyana Jones' funeral was held in the Second Ebenezer Church on May 22, 2010 in Detroit. Evans drivera copgave chase. Like so many across the country, shes being evicted with no job and no place to go. You should go, he said to me, shattering the silence with a wave of his hand. He failed to report. He looked at Chauncey Owens the wrong way, detectives say. Twenty-five-year-old Charles Jones had just gone to bed after covering his 7-year-old daughter Aiyana with her favorite blanket. [2], Weekley was a member of Detroit's SWAT team and a frequent subject on the A&E Network (A&E), whose film crews were also filming the investigation for the documentary TV series The First 48. The bullet hit a child. PICTURES: Aiyana Jones, 7, Killed by Cop Weekley, who is charged with involuntary manslaughter, said he didn't immediately realize that he had shot Aiyana during the 2010 house raid. No one cared much about Detroit or its industrial suburbs until the Dow collapsed, the chief executives of the Big Three went to Washington to grovel, and General Motors declared bankruptcy100 years after its founding. People taking advanage of my benevolence. "Aiyana's death was a tragic loss for her family and has been a heavy burden on our community. By parental neglect? The SWAT team tried the steel door to the building. The graduation rate for Detroit schoolkids hovers around 35 percent (PDF). Judge Cynthia Gray Hathaway address the court on Friday. The police were . All rights reserved. Aiyanas death garnered national attention, including sharp criticism from the Revs. In Detroit, only 1 in 3 kids will graduate from high school. David Corn, Noah Lanard, and Dan Friedman. Aiyana Joness funeral was held on May 22, 2010, at the Second Ebenezer BaptistChurch in Detroit where Alfred (Al) Charles Sharpton Jr. gave the eulogy. The sad and confusing circumstances of the murders of JeRean Blake and Officer Huff, both black, robbed Sharpton of some of his customary indignation. It means uncertainty and abandonment and psychopathology. They had time, a Detroit police detective told me. It occurred during a frenzied raid by elite officers who burst through the door to search for a murder. Aiyana Stanley-Jones was sleeping in her home on the east side of Detroit on the night of May 16, 2010, when officers barged into the house. The victim, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, was shot in the head while she slept on a couch in May 2010. Weekley insisted he accidentally pulled the trigger during a struggle with Aiyana's grandmother. Thirty-four hours earlier, JeRean Blake Nobles, 17, had been shot outside a liquor store on nearby Mack Avenue; an informant had IDd a man named Chauncey Owens as the shooter and provided this address. In Los Angeles, by comparison, the unsolved-murder rate is 22 percent. . Officials said Gibson ran out the front of the house. The car made Detroit, and the car unmade Detroit. They were conducting a police raid in search of a murder suspect who lived at that address -- and being filmed for a reality TV show in the process -- when Officer Joseph Weekley accidentally fired his gun. Fieger responded by saying he does not have the supposed video,[57] which he claims was made by the A&E Network reality show The First 48. And Ive got to say in all my years in the department, Ive never used a flash-bang in a case like this.. I asked him if the way he was raising his daughter, the people he exposed her to, or the neighborhood where they livedwith its decaying houses and liquor storesmay have played a role. He admitted in his first trial that, "It's my gun that shot and killed a 7-year-old girl. A bunch of lazy, uneducated blue-collar incompetents. I want to get out of here, but I cant, she said. So what? Fieger barked. Its too late.. Jarrette Jones and Iyanna McNeely. [41] "This was an assassination by video," said Roland Lawrence as he and others watched a small plane . Detroit demolishes only 500 homes a year, thanks to concerns over lawsuits and environmental hazards, as well as lack of funds and ineptitude. The ACLU report found that only 7% of Swat raids were in hostage or active shooter situations situations that justify such extreme responses and 79% were effectuating search warrants, situations that do not call for Swat interventions. Can she be blamed for that? Thats how its supposed to be done.. If you value what you get from Mother Jones, please join us with a tax-deductible donation today so we can keep on doing the type of journalism 2023 demands. (And that statistic is true; I checked.). Weekley claimed Aiyana Jones' paternal grandmother, Mertilla Jones, attempted to slap his MP5 submachine gun, causing it to fire. Why you do this to me? Its always like that. As a reporter at the Detroit News, I get plenty of phone calls from people in the neighborhoods. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. So is the house across the street. On October 4, 2011, a Wayne County grand jury indicted Officer Joseph Weekley for involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment with a gun. [54][55], Attorney Fieger claimed that footage, from an undisclosed source, showed that the lethal bullet came from outside the home, rather than inside, as police said. The number was actually 375. Police Chief James Craig stated, "He'll be in a limited duty capacity. The lawsuit asserts that police were outside of the home where they "blindly fired random shots," and one of the bullets fatally struck the 7-year-old child in the neck. Upstairs flat, with Charles Jones sister spectators from the visiting team are banned Aiyana that it burned blanket. Bust of Geoffrey Fieger his car, the story that Aiyanas grandmother had grabbed weekleys gun to go to their... 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what happened to aiyana jones