why did rebekah hate the hittites

A Hittite was a Canaanite tribe, of the sons of Heth. Years passed and Deborah, Rebeccas nurse, died and was buried near Beth-el under an oak. A Hittite was a Canaanite tribe, of the sons of Heth. Esau married at the age of 40, the same age of his father, Isaac, when he married Rebecca. Him? List One. or specifically the tribe of Judah, is there any relation here between Judah and the hittites. Scripture Reading for January 12Genesis 27-31, When Esau was 40 years old, he married Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and also Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite. Then Rebekah said to Isaac, Im disgusted with living because of these Hittite women. why was Isaac and Rebekah grieved that Esau married Hittite women, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS TO YOUR WORD SEARCHES (CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA). Thanks for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange! They were even given honor by Abimelech, king of the Philistines ( verse 11 ). The second reason is that the Lord told Rebekah that the elder (Esau) will serve younger (Jacob). Esau was born first, red and hairy. She had seen him sell his birthright for a bowl of soup. Food was set before him, but he refused to eat until he told them that Abraham had send him to find a bride for his son and heir and how he had realized that Rebecca was the intended one. The wall around Hattusa was more than 6 miles long and had several decorated gates. . Gen. xxv. His wives, two Hittite women called Judith and Basemath, did all they could to make life miserable for Isaac and Rebecca. The firstborn Son, Jesus, instead receives what was rightfully ours: the curse. According to Chabad, Rebekah believed Esau didn't worship his birthright, since he quickly traded it with his brother for food. There came to the land a famine in the days of Isaac, and he went to Abimelech, king of Gerar, whom his father Abraham had an accord with. It is easy to assume that the brothers would not get along, and the younger would have a higher position by reading those words. I cannot recall having ever heard of the Hittites prior to that dream but when I was told that message I immediately awoke and wrote down everything that occurred in that dream I hope it is not a sign that our current conflicts may soon spill into Turkey/Iran. He then totes them around in coffins for decades and sometimes centuries in order to keep them under his thumb. There is no reason why the Bible references and the archaeological record could not be both true. The context is that the odor represents corrupted/rotting flesh (death) due to commingling new leaven (Christian practices) with the old leaven (practices of Judaism). ', And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these. Why did Rebekah trick Isaac? And she went to enquire of the LORD. Rebekah teaches Jacob to obtain the blessing. If Jacob marries one of the Hittite women like these, one of the women of the land, what good will my life be to me?, Then Rebekah said to Isaac, 'I'm disgusted with living because of these Hittite women. The first reason is quite simply because she loved Jacob more than Esau. The whole narrative is about the promise made to Rebekah being fulfilled despite Isaac not assisting. Judith was the daughter of Beeri the Hittite and Basemath was the daughter of Elon the Hittite. Isaac would open up the wells, but the herdsmen of Gerar would say the wells belonged to them. 29 Once when Jacob was cooking stew, Esau came in from the field, and he was exhausted. Thereby shall I know that You have dealt graciously with my master (Genesis 24:1214). They lived lives of faith, as strangers and pilgrims in the land. Since Isaac did not want his sons to marry women from Canaan, he agreed. Was Isaac aware that Jacob was fleeing Esau? Well itll all come out in the wash! To a certain extent, the composition history of the Pentateuch may be relevant to this discussion. The Hittites ( / htats /) were an Anatolian people who played an important role in establishing first a kingdom in Kussara (before 1750 BC), then the Kanesh or Nesha kingdom (c. 1750-1650 BC), and next an empire centered on Hattusa in north-central Anatolia (around 1650 BC). Esau was born first and became Isaac's favorite son. The bible talks about the. 24 When her days to give birth were completed, behold, there were twins in her womb. Hittite Warrior Chapters 1-7. One feared God, the other didnt. (Gen 27:45). (35) But Esau's wives made life miserable for Isaac and Rebekah. They believed in various gods over the elements of earth, sky, weather, etc., and these gods were often listed as witnesses on treaties and oaths. The older Hittites never self-identified as Hittites, but called their language Nesite and their land Hatti, referring to themselves as the people of Hatti. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, OT Law: Genesis 27:46 Rebekah said to Isaac I am weary (Gen. Ge Gn). Then prepare a dish for me such as I like, and bring it to me to eat, so that I may give you my innermost blessing before I die (Genesis 27:24).. So who were the Hittites? Rebecca overheard the conversation and devised a plan by which Jacob would receive Isaacs blessing. But Esau had a taste for these Hittite women, not just one, but two wives at the same time! What Is Coptic and Who Were the Copts in Ancient Egypt? Although Rebekah definitely went about it the wrong way, she tricked Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing of the firstborn because she knew that Jacob was intended to receive that blessing. She had watched while he ate, drank, rose and left. What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 2nd Corinthians 6:14-15. If one were to assume that these narratives depict historical realities that were written down close to the time of occurrence, then one might conclude that the references are to the original Hittites rather than the Neo-Hittites. Which was because of their ungodly ways of idolatry and adultery. THE Hittites were the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Heth, who was a grandson of Ham through Canaan. After he drank, she said, I will also draw for your camels, until they finish drinking (Genesis 24:1819)., Eliezer gazed at her silently while she gave water to the camels. did the Jews assimilate borrow/steal another piece of an ancient superpowers history because it looked good on them? Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? The archaeological record reveals the story of the original Hittites, while the Bible refers mostly to the Neo-Hittites. Along with Sarah (wife of Abraham ), Rebecca (wife of Isaac ), and Rachel (her sister and fellow wife of Jacob ), Leah is one of the four mothers of the Jewish people. Ban nn xem, https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/ancient-near-eastern-world/who-were-the-h…, https://biblearchaeology.org/research/divided-kingdom/2796-hittites-and-hethites-a-proposed-solution-to-an-etymological-conundrum?highlight=WyJoZXRoaXRlcyIsIidoZXRoaXRlcyciLCJhIiwiJ2EiLCJhJyIsImEncyIsImEncG9ncmFmaCIsImEnLiIsIidhJyIsIidhJywiLCJhJywiLCJwcm9wb3NlZCIsImhldGhpdGVzIGEiLCJoZXRoaXRlcyBhIHByb3Bvc2VkIiwiYSBwcm9wb3NlZCJd, Roman Crucifixion Methods Reveal the History of Crucifixion. For the first time in this chapter Esau, Jacob's older brother, makes an appearance, and what a disastrous appearance it is. Now she says to Isaac colorfully that she hates her life because of those women. Why . [] Xem y u: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/ancient-near-eastern-world/who-were-the-h… [], [] Source: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/ancient-near-eastern-world/who-were-the-h… [], Bryant Wood looked at this question in some detail and offers a solution that I find persuasive (see https://biblearchaeology.org/research/divided-kingdom/2796-hittites-and-hethites-a-proposed-solution-to-an-etymological-conundrum?highlight=WyJoZXRoaXRlcyIsIidoZXRoaXRlcyciLCJhIiwiJ2EiLCJhJyIsImEncyIsImEncG9ncmFmaCIsImEnLiIsIidhJyIsIidhJywiLCJhJywiLCJwcm9wb3NlZCIsImhldGhpdGVzIGEiLCJoZXRoaXRlcyBhIHByb3Bvc2VkIiwiYSBwcm9wb3NlZCJd ). Up, go to Paddan-aram, to the house of Bethuel, your mothers father, and take a wife there from among the daughters of Laban, your mothers brother (Genesis 28:12).. Jacob's wives were pleasing to his parents, Isaac and Rebekah. small Hetti tribe who with other tribes like Medyans,Moabites,etc.shared the surrounding lands of Canaan. She descended to the spring, filled her jar, and climbed back up. God truly works in mysterious ways. 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Let me eat some of that red stew, for I am exhausted! (Therefore his name was called Edom. One day, Abimelech saw Isaac with Rebekah and how they interacted with eachother, so he confronted Isaac saying, Surely she is your wife. Abimelech then asked him why he said she was his sister, so Isaac told him he feared he would be killed for her. But perhaps it is not; it depends on the explanation, and there are a few possible explanations. Genesis 26:34-35 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Thank you and God bless! Download now. According to Genesis 49:29, the cave tombs that Abraham bought with the field of Ephron were used to bury Isaac, Rebekah, and Leah. What is the biblical significance of the "red hair" / "Scarlet thread" and the first born brother/twin? Why does Rebekah want Jacob to get Esaus blessing? Eliezer, hearing these words, bowed low to the ground before God. It is interesting that Rebecca herself had been born into an idol-worshipping family. ruled over the Hittite Kingdom during its heyday and is depicted here on a rock carving from the Hittites sacred open-air shrine at Yazilikaya, less than a mile from the Hittite capital of Hattusa in present-day Turkey. Excavation evidence shows that Hattusa was invaded and burned in the early 12th century B.C.E., but this was after the city had largely been abandoned. She knew that Esau was a hunter, a man of violence. Then Rebekah said to Isaac, "I loathe my life because of the Hittite women. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Try reading this link and see if this is the right reference your looking for, then I will answer this if you accept the ref. He went right ahead in spite of their personal marriage story and probably their godly training and advice. Beginning with the second half of Genesis 25:19, we start the records of Jacob. The matter began before what you are describing. Do not delay me, now that the Lord has made my errand successful. Did a previous generation not understand where God's providence was leading ? Did he not realise what God's purpose was ? He wanted to give him his blessings before he died. Eliezer took with him ten loaded camels and set out for the city of Nahor. Resolved to pursue the expansionist policy introduced by his father, Seti I, Ramses invaded Hittite territories in Palestine and pushed on . The term "Hittite" in reference to Abraham is an anachronism. Both women were Hittites. Trevor Bryce, The Last Days of Hattusa, Archaeology Odyssey January/February 2005. Is there a chronological issue in Genesis 25,26 and 27? Why does God require this? From reading Genesis 27:1-40 we see Rebekah overhearing a conversation between Isaac and Esau and, from there, plotting a theft in order for Jacob to receive the blessing meant for his brother, and Jacob managing to go through with the plan and steal the blessing. 8 years of Archaeology Odyssey online, exploring the ancient roots of the Western world in a scholarly and entertaining way, The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. In Genesis 4, there were Cain and Abel. Photo: Sonia Halliday. VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. Will never really know we do know they lived very close to the Jews/Hebrews/Aramaic so didnt the Egyptians and also many signs show the Jews borrowed from the Egyptians as well but this doesnt make the Jews/Hebrews/Aramaics related to the Egyptians nor does it make the Jews/Hebrews/Aramaic s related to the hittites as they would not be related to the hittites because the Hittites language stems from indo European tongue which directly stems from ancient India or Central Asia either way same vicinity and the Aramaic or Hebrew is Afro Asiatic which doesnt correlate To Indo European people at all now the Elamites,hurrian,hittites,Sumerian,Indo-Iranian and Indo-Aryen are all tongues that have to do with the ancient Indo European people regardless if your Persian or Armanian or Central Asian the Indo European stock of people has been proven to have stemmed from the Central Asian and Pontiac steppe in ancient times these people wouldve lived under the latitude and longitude of the ice caps in the last ice age and would have started a migration once they knew the ice caps were melting also there is a plausible case that has been made but this is not been Proven there was once a ancient land bridge that connected Sri Lanka to southern India there has been speculation that when the last ice age was in its melt the Dravidian people came to shore the land of India and the northerners moved out on a great migration away from the dravidians there are still people to this day that are on the islands of remote Indian Ocean that have these islanders that do not look Indian at all look closer related to Africans or aboriginal australians and not to say the least that at the last ice age melt there islands in the ocean sunk and they had to move to higher grounds which struck conflict with the northern Aryen Indians and they decided to get out and moved in all different directions apparently all peoples of north and South America Europe and parts of Asia share a common ancestor to Central Asia 25,000yrs ago but the victors dont have that written in theyre book now do they? They did then and they do now. The Hittites leveraged their centralized bureaucracy, highway system, and military technology to unite the peoples of Anatolia. Who were the Hittites according to the Bible? At Hebron Abraham purchased the Cave of Machpelah (Hebrew: Mearat ha-Makhpelah) as a burial place for his wife, Sarah, from Ephron the Hittite (Genesis 23); this became a family sepulchre. His son Esau was forty years old when he married Judith and Bashemath, both of them Hittites. His men also had stopped up the wells his father Abraham had made with his servants. By 500 BC, proto-Armenians in the Armenian Highlands had largely assimilated to the point that other nations only saw one nation and people: Armenia. Third, just before the episode of the blessing we read: When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and also Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. They would have followed after the false gods of the land, and they would try to lead their new husband even further astray. But so much for that; the scholarly world had already labelled them Hittites and, like it . And beyond just the power of control over the military, the very scope of kingship was epitomized by the king's ability to physically lead his armies into battle. Genesis 26:34&35 " When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and also Basemath daughter of Elon the Hittite. His father Issac was not a polygamist, and Esau seems to have entered into polygamy voluntarily. Isaac and Rebekah had the twins Jacob and Esau. It is said that Rebekah, when suffering from her pregnancy (comp. Rebekah, the mother, clothes Jacob, the younger son (of the promise), in the garments of her older son. covenant and carry the mission of Abraham into the future. At one time the Hittites were one of three superpowers in the ancient world. Rebekah instructs Jacob to obtain the blessing. Peace and Blessings. And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? Esau didn't seem to take it seriously, but Jacob made him swear. Pronounced: moe-SHEH, Origin: Hebrew, Moses, whom God chooses to lead the Jews out of Egypt. As the oldest son, Esau had the right to replace Isaac after his death. Learn about Iraq and its cultural heritage. Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. So why would her father and grandfather be identified as Hivites in Genesis 36:2-3, and her father as a Hittite in Genesis 26:34 (assuming Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite is even the same person, but see 12 Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be mocking him and bring a curse upon myself and not a blessing. 13 His mother said to him, Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice, and go, bring them to me.. what is your evidence that Hittites were black? As those of Gath were called Gittites, why wouldnt those of Heth be called Hittites? As early as 1900 B.C.E., an Indo-European people began to settle in what is now Turkey. 23) came, according to R. Eleazar b. Simcon, directly from God; R. ama b. anina declares that God spoke through an angel, and R. Eleazar b. Rebeccas mother and Laban asked Eliezer if Rebecca could stay with them for another 10days. They called Rebecca and said to her, Will you go with this man? Rebecca answered, I will (Genesis 24:58). Then she, her nurse Deborah, and her maids arose, mounted the camels, and followed Eliezer, while her relatives blessed her. For the Egyptians, Canaan was crucial to the overall security and well-being of ancient Egypt. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 23 And the Lord said to her, Two nations are in your womb, By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Esau wanted something to eat and would say anything to get some stew. It seems that Esau was oblivious to the grief he caused his godly parents. However, we see from the above passages that he was a man of honor and one of David's most trusted warriors. The Lord told Isaac that He would keep His promise to Abraham that He would through him multiply Abrahams seed greatly, because Abraham obeyed God always. Why did Esau prosper before Israel (Genesis 36 and Deteronomy 2)? I dont appreciate these findings for proof that the bible is true, by faith we believe Im a history buff that loves it when God allows a little bit of evidence to be left for all the skeptics! It is still not a guarantee because each person has a free will to choose faith or self. Klaus has a history of placing daggers in the hearts of his immortal siblings, rendering them unconscious. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? Esau could not have held his birthright in high esteem, for he traded it for a bowl of stew. He knew he cared nothing for the birthright. Esau married at the age of 40, the same age of his father, Isaac, when he married Rebecca. But, a lot is not known and sadly may never be known, such is the fog of antiquity. Here is one way of interpreting the narrative. Then trouble from Esau arose. Normally the eldest should have received this blessing because it was part of his birthright. Marrying one was bad enough, but two was too much of a bad thing! Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Hith's father was Sidon, who himself was the son of Canaan. Believing parents have a better chance of raising godly children! Because Isaac and Rebekah were in conflict (Isaac 'plotted' with Esau and Rebekah 'plotted' with Jacob). Mikael is the only person who Klaus ever feared and Rebekah knew this, intensifying the blind rage he feels toward his sister. In Genesis 6-8 there were Noahs offspring and all the rest who were wicked! Genesis 25:22 [KJV]. Language of the Hittites. Abraham sent his servant to find a bride for Isaac to insure the godly line would be continued. Isaac and Rebekah believed God's promises. Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? Talk about a classic case of in-law discord. The Hittites or Hethites preceded Abraham but not by too many . The men asked Isaac who Rebekah was to him, and he told them she was his sister, fearing they would kill him for his beautiful wife. Laban tricked Jacobs into marring his eldest daughter first! Isaac called Jacob, blessed him, and said, You shall not take a wife from among the Canaanite women. 22 The children struggled together within her, and she said, If it is thus, why is this happening to me? So she went to inquire of the Lord. and the elder will serve the younger.. She was, after all, rather old herself. Excavation evidence shows that Hattusa was invaded and burned in the early 12th century B.C.E., but this was after the city had largely been abandoned. What Did Isaac Plan? Hittite women were considered heathens of Canaan at that time. For Turks who committed the Genocide against Armenians, and which is denied by the two key nations of Israel and UK, this can mean bigger claims of Armenian territory for the future and mean that the true original and real owners of Anatolia as well as parts of the lower Middle East are todays Armenians. FREE ebook: From Babylon to Baghdad. These are just a few notable foreigners in Jewish ancestry. 27 When the boys grew up, Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. Abraham had asked his servant to make sure Isaac did not marry a Canaanite woman, but have him marry someone of his own kindred. The first wife of Jacob endured a loveless marriage, but her story is one of perseverance. Isaac, for example, was born when Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 years old after God promised them a child, Jewish News reports. The explanation, and he was exhausted around in coffins for decades and sometimes centuries in to! ; I loathe my life because of these Hittite women for contributing an answer to Biblical Hermeneutics Exchange. Looked good on them made life miserable for Isaac to insure the godly line would be killed for her immortal... Notable foreigners in Jewish ancestry may be relevant to this discussion piece of ancient... You have dealt graciously with my master ( Genesis 24:1214 ) Rebekah knew this, intensifying blind... Quot ; I loathe my life because of those women daggers in the.... 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why did rebekah hate the hittites