how do you translate a google doc 100 times

Callers can still leave a voicemail or send an email or request form at all hours. Your translation is submitted to Google Translate.\r\n\r\nTo use the translated text, simply copy and paste it from the browser window into a new document.\r\n

Just like other online translation tools, Google Translate is far from perfect. To translate a document: Click Tools, then select Translate document. It does have a good reputation for accuracy, but it does make mistakes. Another option is to tap the Transcribe icon and then start speaking. To access the keyboard feature, tap Keyboard at the bottom and then tap the blue keyboard icon to select your language. You can also see this copy in your, In Google Docs or Google Slides, go to the top menu and click, In Google Sheets, go to the top menu and click, When you choose a non-Latin language, the Input tools menu will show in the toolbar. Click Browse to navigate to a document on your hard drive that you want to translate. When you click the blue "Translate" button, t. his will open a new copy of the document in the chosen language. If you hover over each line, you can see the original English text that it was translated from.\r\n\r\nIf you think the translation is incorrect, you can change it just hover your cursor over a line of the translation and click the Contribute a Better Translation link. Computer Android iPhone & iPad To. If you hover over each line, you can see the original English text that it was translated from. You dont need a Google account to access it, because its free to all.

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    In the top left area of your screen, click the Documents button.

  • \r\n \t
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    Click Browse to navigate to a document on your hard drive that you want to translate.

  • \r\n \t
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    At the top left of the window in which your document appears, choose the language that the document is already in for example, English.

  • \r\n \t
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    On the right, choose the language you want the document translated into for example, French.

  • \r\n \t
  • \r\n

    Click Translate.

  • \r\n\r\n[caption id=\"attachment_288465\" align=\"alignnone\" width=\"630\"]\"\" Google Translate[/caption]\r\n\r\nThe translation appears in a blank browser window. ","hasArticle":false,"_links":{"self":""}}],"_links":{"self":""}},"collections":[],"articleAds":{"footerAd":"
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