i hate being an occupational therapist

How important is it for an OT to have a creative side? B) Depending on your setting, you may be the only OT in the department. Thanks for the link. (My OT Spot), Is Occupational Therapy a Good Career? Hi, Im from Brazil and just got my OT degree, even being from another country i agree 100% with the post! Just do what you can because it feels like the system is set up to counteract what is right. It has sent me into panic and questioning what I want to do. Thanks for the article. I ended up liking it there. There is so little mentorship and guidance, and I honestly feel like a terrible practitioner with no community or support. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I mean, there's so much you can do in healthcare, most of which requires you to have healthcare experience, which OT would fulfill. This post was originally published on May 24, 2018 and updated on January 26, 2022. No particular college major is mandatory for admission to OT school, Tyminski says. I'm one of those people that tends to hope for the best in people/situations/etc. It could be that these people didn't do their research before or maybe they did. Occupational Therapist Salary: Data From 2,322 OTs and COTAs, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists, 6 of the Best Occupational Therapy Forums, 10 Reasons Why OTs Should Be Using Occupation-Based Interventions, https://www.aota.org/Education-Careers/Accreditation/acote-doctoral-mandate-2027.aspx. Until recently, I was only focusing on and hearing the good things I about OT and I sort of glamorized it in a way. But my daughter is in early intervention and she is making great progress. While it can still be stressful to get done documenting in time, I love that I can actually pay attention to my patients and provide them with solid treatments. Attitude counts a lot. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If not, it should have an impact. Wanting to be an OT so badly, the size of the loan didn't affect my decision to which schools I applied to. Are you or someone youre close to interested in becoming an occupational therapist? Your input will help me one cope and 2 fight for change. I have been an OT for over 36 years, and although I enjoy working with clients, I find the paperwork excessive and unnecessary for quality of care. I never would have anticipated how sick I would get during my pregnancy. Please, anyone who is reading that and considering OTdo yourself a huge favor and SEE occupational therapists in real life before you make any life decisions. Someday, maybe I'll run into them in Heaven. You have so much learning and growing to do, and without other therapists around, your learning experiences will be very limited. I have contracted to local schools with very low rates. I would be perfectly happy working as a OT for a while in various settings and then going into academia and teach people how to become OT's and there is always ways to move up through a university setting. If you're a creative problem solver who enjoys helping people to get the most out of life, becoming an occupational therapist will give you real fulfilment, day in and day out. 5 out of 10 are bored out of their mind. Immediately I could smell the incontinence, and the abnormal behaviors exhibited by the dementia patients. (St. Catherine University). If youre passionate about becoming an occupational therapist, you wont regret it! I've been busting my butt to get into graduate school and now I'm wondering if I should choose something else. I'm sure there are good and bad OT jobs, just as there are good and bad teaching jobs, etc. As you decide what you are going to do with your life there's always going to be someone to change your dreams and there's also that person who will have something negative to say. Establish a treatment plan for patients, laying out the types of activities and specific . Being an OT is definitely not equal to being a glorified CNA. I have been an OT in the state of Virginia since 1999. This post outlines what occupational therapy is and the steps you can take to get certified and launch your career as an OT. They found where they belong and stayed there. You might find your second or third choice is actually a great fit for you. I have now been an OT for 7 years and have been bouncing around between all kinds of settings to include skilled nursing, home health, hand outpatient, mental health, schools, and everywhere I've gone I have felt like I have to figure things out on my own. A quick note: I first wrote this post several years prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, which now has to be one of the biggest factors of OT burnout, even several years after it all began. With the additional income from the above strategies or through a side hustle of your choice, youll have more time to rest, spend time with family or take some time to do something for yourself, which can really help with that burned out feeling! You'll . But it will give you a better idea or what NOT to look for. Becoming an Occupational Therapist Occupational therapy is highly rewarding work that is growing in demand as the healthcare landscape continues to evolve. In my area (I live in a major city), I haven't seen any non-school based or agency OT positions available. If this is your first time posting, please read the sub rules. I found myself agreeing with 100% of what you said. This is harder than it sounds due to the increasing paperwork demands that companies and insurers require. Every job has its ups and downs, whether its occupational therapy or a completely unrelated field. It is an active job. Working a job with intense physical demands as well as high productivity challenges five days a week is really rough. These cookies do not store any personal information. The speech therapist stated that he could have the single child syndrome like she had, and the special ed director told my daughter that if his behaviors did not improve, that her son would not be allowed to come back to school per the superintendent. Listen, I 100% appreciate that as new grads, you guys are coming out with toms of debt and into a healthcare field completely different from what you were promised when you entered. I just got my license in July and started my very first OT job this past September. Mental health. I think being an OT part time is very difficult as the work load is rarely reduced on a proportional basis especially in a community role. Need some words of encouragement or advice. But just know that everyone has rough days (or weeks, or months!) If I sat around listening to people I would be homeless and unemployed right now. Thanks for all the replies. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I let a client not pay for a session. At least in OT I know I have many options in which to practice, and don't have to stay in a job I don't care for. Or do a lot of on-line con Ed. Local government? To rub salt in the wound, many Occupational Therapy Masters programs (MOT degrees) are transitioning to solely Doctorate (OTD) degrees, which bumps up the price of tuition considerably compared to OT Masters programs. Most of my years have been school based. Consider applying to hospital positions, many have outpatient clinics in the hospital and you may have the opportunity to 'cross train' even if you're hired in a different setting of the hospital. Almost every OT setting has productivity requirements, with some settings having less strict standards than others. This article has been incredibly helpful. If you answered yes to these questions, being an Occupational Therapist at Select Medical may be a great fit for you! Im going on my 4th year in schools and constantly feel lost. Loved every minute. For people who do not have insurance coverage, the cost of an occupational therapy session is between $150.00 and $200.00 for the initial evaluation, and between $40.00 and $200.00 for each therapy session. Many settings also involve long periods of standing when youre not doing transfer training. Through her work, she's found that many doctors aren't always aware of the skills they have. I find it very interesting that this childs younger sibling still attends the school. THAT SPEAKS VOLUME!!!!!!!! The job flexibility and variety of job options combined with knowing you are truly making a difference in peoples lives makes it a great career choice as long as youre prepared and you know the potential drawbacks you might encounter. I know these things are all really crappy BUT before you bail on OT that you spent many years and many dollars on, justpause. This parent informed me that the special ed director called her in to an unofficial meeting at the school board office and upon arrival the superintendent was also present. The school system had another student (very similar situation and age) whose parents were told that their son could not return to the school after he had been with the school for 3 yrs. Please note that we are not able to give specific treatment advice or exercises to do at home. Occupational therapy encompasses a wide array of treatments aimed at improving physical impairments, self-care difficulties, functional cognition (ability to pay bills, sort medications, maintain a schedule, etc.) Easier to avoid burnout when you know your contract has an end date and you can take time off in between assignments! Occupational Therapy has a lot to offer to our society. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. OT is a complex, growing field, and who knows how it will evolve in our lifetime. I thought about creating its own section but I think (and hope) that therapy companies are getting better with less staffing shortages and less overloaded caseloads, and there are now more open job opportunities for therapists needing to leave those chaotic companies that havent changed for the better. Obviously, in a ideal world that job would magically be available, but this isnt tv. An occupational therapist may work with anyone suffering from a chronic mental health condition, learning disability or physical disability to help them live the best . Unfortunately, this pandemic is going to have a negative effect on all students. I BEYOND agree with you. Most OT settings, from pediatrics to adult rehab settings, require a considerable amount of physical exertion. Now in the middle of applications I'm not so certain. JavaScript is disabled. I find those posts extremely depressing and I wonder if most of those people were in OT for the money or to gain status like a doctor without going to medical schoolthose are the kind of people who will get disgruntled like that because OT is not always a glamorous field. I dont mind educating the general population on what we do at all, but I imagine after doing this for your entire career it could get tiring. You have your toolbox, and know what interventions work for you. I love feeding therapy. You can check an occupational therapist is qualified and registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) using its online register of health and care professionals. If youve tried switching up your interventions but you still feel bored in your setting, you could try switching to PRN and get a second PRN job in a different setting. Luckily, therapy usually happens between 9-5 on weekdays. If I could have done it all over again, I would have applied to medical school, as I had the same aptitude and academic grades. If you have a disability, they will . I really hate this because in college I couldn't decide between healthcare and behavioral health and when I found out about OT I was psyched to find out I could do both! My first job was on the MH ward of a mens prison. For kids that are worried about getting soap in their eyes, no-tear shampoo formulas can be a life saver. I volunteered extensively in multiple settings and worked as an aide for a year before I even made my decision. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. 9 popular non-traditional OT jobs There are many avenues your non-traditional OT career could take, but here we highlight nine of the most common. Being a pediatric OT is an incredibly active job, which has lots of health benefits. I work for the government now. And I have enjoyed a lot about my career, it's just getting increasingly difficult, stressful and frustrating (as I'm sure healthcare will be at times) and I'm ready for something different. That's a false dichotomy, but you are free to choose and make your decisions as you wish. Im so glad I did, because I finally got that call back and am so grateful to be an OT in the hospital-setting. Depending on the regulations where you live, this. Honestly I am not feeling confidet in my knowledge, I'm always pretending I know everything I do but it's just a fassade. The first day I observed an SNF, which was for dementia, I had a negative perspective going in. I find that providing a short, concise description of my role as an occupational therapist is the best way for medical professionals and patients to actually understand what Im telling them. 11. Average salary (a year) 27,055 Starter to 47,672 Experienced. . I am HATING Being an OT Need some words of encouragement or advice. I welcome all replies. That seems to be the one thing i have noticed i dont like about OT there is not alot of upward mobility. However, working with children requires lifting children and managing various movements and positions, which are fine for a younger person, but may not be reasonable for an older person. You can read more about ethical dilemmas in my post titledEthical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy. Spending several hours in there, however, changed my mind entirely. In the end, my gf has decided not to pursue OT for other reasons. Back home in the Philippines, occupational therapy is deemed to be a profession in demand . If you're going for the OTR (Master's or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. Occupational therapy provides support to enable people to facilitate recovery, to overcome barriers during illness or disability which prevent them from doing the activities that matter to. If you sat in my classes you would notice that there is little empirical justification for OT interventions (it's a problem that we are faced with in our field, hence why a research emphasis is being pursued so much by many programs). This was one of the schools where I contracted OT services. Even my fieldworks felt aimless and I feel like I lack initiative and am too burnt out to want to take CEUs. Im only interested in outpatient rehab/hand therapy and Im unable to even get an interview. Im officially a little over a month in as a OT and I feel a lot of what youre feeling too. Learn how your comment data is processed. I just want to point out that I am changing careers, after getting a masters in one field and working in that field for over almost 14 years. I honestly thought all through school I was going to work in peds. It's very negative and will scare virtually anyone from choosing OT as a profession. I've also chatted with many OTs. Hybrid remote. The first step to becoming an occupational therapist is to complete a bachelor's degree in a related field. Thank you for your contribution. Therapist are trained professionals that through proper techniques can help people to work through their existing conditions. The NBCOT Certification Exam handbook. I contracted another local OT to work with my grandson as to keep his services apart from me. Most ABA therapists don't set out to hurt children. Thats part of being a novice. If you would like to request support for a child from the Occupational Therapy Service, please complete this form>. Specifically in the part we have to explain every single day for everyone we know what we do. Your student loan amount has no impact on your decision to be an OT? But probably less scope to work at higher clinical bands. I have a pretty generous sliding scale and a handful of clients take advantage of it. even when they continually show me otherwise. ugh, that horrid Indeed forum. Alternatively, if you have already completed an undergraduate degree, complete a masters degree in occupational therapy. The special ed department broke IDEA and other federal laws regarding my grandson also. With OT, youre helping people achieve their goals and increase their independence and life satisfaction, which far outweighs the downsides. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Being organized and able to manage your time efficiently are key skills that any employer looks for in their future employee. Many therapists find the duties and responsibilities of occupational therapy to be both rewarding and challenging. Carrie Madigan, an occupational therapist who worked for Kindred at Home in Omaha, Nebraska, said she was laid off in November as the company the largest U.S. home health provider cut. This is will improve your odds of getting into a program. I am feeling major burnout and depression from my current work situation. And if you do decide to go back to school for something else later on, you'll still be able to make decent money doing home health on the weekends or per diem work as an OT. I don't feel like the person 3 years ago that wanted to be an OT. I'm starting school in the fall and I'm confident that this is what I was meant to do. Every career will have things people love and things people can do without, that's life. Some institutions may require you to have completed set prerequisite subjects in your undergraduate degree. First, most new grads feel unprepared and usually your first job out of school isnt the one that sticks. 2. A) You should expect to need to do Con Ed every year to keep your license and certification. This can include treating inappropriate patients who do not need skilled therapy, keeping patients on for far longer than what is beneficial, over-treating the patients to bill for more minutes, and more. Maybe in community organizing? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Then again, people who complain of the smallest things will usually find things to complain about no matter how easy you make things for them, I've met these types throughout my life, whether at school, work, or socially. After earning a bachelor's degree, you need to get a master's degree in occupational therapy, which takes two to three years depending on the program you choose. Its kind of like seeing a tiny spark fly out when youre trying to start a fire and then you cup it to blow to start a flame. CNAs do those things for the patient, whereas the OT is there to make sure the patient can do those things on his/her own (as much as possible) and to educate the caregivers. I wanted to respond about that negative Indeed link and the concern about ethics. I worry that the paper work, and physical demands of the job will be too much for me. Im discussed and fed up with the entire system. Through her company, Doctor's Crossing, she works with physicians who want to leave direct care. The is NO accountability, no ethics, and certainly no remorse over the illegal activity. Being a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 17 years and Emotionally Focused Therapy Supervisor for 10 years, IMy specialty is executive coaching couples counseling. Its okay to leave. Its so overwhelming so thank you for sharing your worries and thank you to everyone providing this feedback. Working as an occupational therapist (OT) is a creative and rewarding way to make a difference in the lives of your patients every day. You're just "go go go" all day long. But Im hoping to love every minute of my future career as well. A Master's degree takes two to three years to finish, and a doctoral degree about 3.5. and we come out thinking every job will be fantastic. Occupational therapy assistants work under the guidance of an occupational therapist, who conducts the client evaluation and assessment, then comes up with treatment goals and a big-picture plan for accomplishing them. Of course, you are free to do what you want but it's sentiments such as the one you describe that enable schools to charge exorbitant rates of tuition to desperate students. You can stay where you are unhappy or go somewhere else. Many new grads get into positions where they are the only OT, or even the only therapist at times. In postgraduate studies, it's possible to gain a Masters degree in one to two years. 24.3 miles away from Apple Massage Therapy. I know it's a "HOT" field and whatever but I know a lot of people that are in it for the money and they will have sad sad lives. I advise everyone to research into the profession and keep an open mind. I taught, I educated, and hopefully, I inspired those who attended to make changes and take control of their rehabilitative process. Global health through occupation is contingent upon our understanding of the human as an occupational being. Among other unethical issues I have had. This happens to every profession that shows up on list as a top profession to major in. Do you hate the phrase, "that's not my job!"? The hourly price you pay depends on the type . More new OTs does not automatically equal more positions being created to meet the demand, so many new grads are faced with the fact that they might have to move to another city to find a job. If given the tools it is amazing what kind of healing a person's body and mind can accomplish. =). This post was originally published on March 25, 2017 and updated on June 15, 2019 and February 28, 2023. She was told my grandson might need to be taken off all his meds. Cohorts typically have 20-40 students per program, and schools are getting 300-500+ applicants each cycle. My OT Spot uses cookies to improve your experience. Thanks so much for adding this, Carolyn! While ADL retraining is always important in our profession, other interventions you do to address specific deficits can always be switched up. I'd have a huge moral issue with that, and I do not want to feel uncomfortable in my job. I would like some of you guys thoughts on the future of ot. Tips to Reclaim your Practice, The Best Splinting Guide for Occupational Therapists. So while you do get to provide meaningful treatments and help people achieve their goals, you do have to deal with the struggle of meeting your productivity on a daily basis. Look into outpatient OT, where you work with hand or upper extremity conditions. Because more people are wanting to become occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, schools in bigger cities are creating more programs and pumping out more and more new grads every year. Unrealistic productivity demands and some unethical companies and managers can be the biggest factors for burnout, so after graduation, I advise you to do your due diligence on these factors before taking your first job. I wouldn't base an opinion in rankings. I met one that had been doing it for 30 years. Im about to start OT school. When interviewing for a new position, be sure to ask about productivity requirements, expected caseload, hours you will actually get, mentorship, etc. I have a 7 yr. old grandson who has Autism, ADHD, and sensory dysfunction. ), and it can certainly be emotionally draining given the complexity of the patients we see. Use Your Comfort Zone. Please feel free to email me at sarah@myotspot.com if youd like to discuss this further. I'm only in my second year of school but have already learned that classmates (and future therapists) that I study/work with are huge in how happy I am in an assignment or project. Anyway, best of luck to you! I would love the opportunity to get good and confident in highly skilled areas such as making splints, or treating burns, and lymphedema. There is absolutely no way youll be able to just figure it out, or teach yourself. If you cannot handle this, you may want to consider another career. A career in occupational therapy has many potential benefits, but it can also be demanding. I volunteered in 7 different places in preparation for the OT application. If youre going for the OTR (Masters or Doctorate) route, you can expect to pay anywhere from $40,000 to well over $100,000 for your degree. This is important to consider when your student loans from OT graduate programs alone might be well over $100,000, not including interest. Reducing my hours to part-time job, allowed me to keep working, while also taking care of myself. You must log in or register to reply here. Completely different roles. I doubt there is a job that is full of sunshine and butterflies 24/7 out there. I cant imagine doing anything else. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I think it is fine to feel like a bad practitioner the first couple years. Let me know what you guys think about this. stipend for their residency work. Others work in schools, nursing homes, and home health services. Evidence-based practice trumps your gut feelings. Im somehow hopeful that it will get better, I would ultimately like to specialize in something, whether it be mental health/peds, lymphedema or burns, or something in acute care but it seems with everything you need the experience. 1. Yikes. Press J to jump to the feed. Theyll tell you how rejuvenating it is to make your vacation time as often as you want while still making a great living. Also I got into an MOT but plan to get my post professional doctorate so I can possibly teach someday. With that said, ALL professions have pros and cons, and the pros just have to outweigh cons for someone. If youre wondering if your city is saturated, check Indeed.com regularly and see if new job postings are listed, in addition to seeing how many OT and OTA programs exist in the city. But, I do want to share some of the realities of occupational therapy for you to consider so youre well prepared. I thought I would *hate* acute care but I absolutely LOVE it now that Ive given it a shot. All of this is very true! Thats where I got my mentorship. Whats the setting? I hope the kiddies heard us loud and clear on this one. With rehab-based occupational therapists and COTAs, a big focus is transfer training. It is always a good idea to get some experience and shadow people in the field to see if its a right fit for you and if you are willing to put up with the crap you would have to deal with in that field.because there is crap in every field different kinds of crap, but still crap. If you work in pediatrics, you will also be doing a lot of physical movement with crawling, kneeling, jumping, chasing, and handling, oftentimes on the floor or mat. I love the theory of OT and what it stands for but if the world does not understand the value of it, will it be one of the first occupations to go? I just like to be open-minded and hear all sides and weigh it all out. Very encouraging information! I work in a SNF so theyre pretty lonely and the fact that youre there to try whatever it is youve got means a lot to them. Additional job details. Kids should be reading, playing, and having fun - not working. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I really love being able to provide affordable therapy to folks who don't have much money. As with any relationship, there needs to be a good bond between the two parties. Some people are never satisfied no matter what. Were there any profs you connected with? Itsphysically demanding, mentally demanding (so much documenting! Before asking yourself, "is being a physical therapist worth it?" understand that, in our profession, there can be a lot of subjectivity when it comes to diagnosis and treatment. She is still going into grad school, but for something else. Active jobs keep the body in better shape, the mind clearer, and leave you with more . Im doing travel right now and its hot. If youre in an unethical environment, that may be reason enough to make a big change. That is full of sunshine and butterflies 24/7 out there be reading, playing, and know what interventions for. Standards than others the downsides, your learning experiences will be stored in your degree. So youre well prepared no community or support as the healthcare landscape continues to.! To which schools i applied to ethics, and home health services perspective. 25, 2017 and updated on June 15, 2019 and February 28 2023! Another local OT to work in peds outlines what occupational therapy has many potential benefits, but for else. 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i hate being an occupational therapist